Hope For Kids Geauga was featured in the March 26, 2020 Chagrin Valley Times highlighting our hot spot initiative. Please click on the image below to enlarge the article.
Hope for Kids Geauga Reponds Quickly to Student Needs
Hope for Kids Geauga acted swiftly and diligently to identify and respond to a need caused by one of the unfortunate impacts of COVID-19. The Hope for Kids board of directors allocated $15,000 to fund Wi-Fi hot spots for Geauga County K-12 students who do not have internet access at home.
On March 12, 2020 Governor Mike DeWine announced that all Ohio schools would close for at least 3 weeks to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. The local schools immediately started to prepare students for home schooling through email communication with their teachers and completing online assignments. Hope for Kids board members promptly contacted the Geauga County schools, including Chagrin Falls, to inquire about students whose lack of home Wi-Fi connection could cause a learning disadvantage.
The mission of Hope for Kids Geauga is to raise funds and awareness to improve the lives of abused, neglected and at-risk children in Geauga County. The board agreed that funding this need falls within their goal of leveling the playing field for the area youth. “The board was able to communicate quickly and vote to proceed with this project through email communication”, said Engelina Koberna, board member who took the lead in contacting the schools. “It is hard to imagine students not having the benefit of the internet in this age of technology”, added Mrs. Koberna. Timothy Velotta, Principal of Chardon Middle School responded to Mrs. Koberna, “This is an amazing support to our students and the greater community. Thanks to you and your organization!”
Hope for Kids Geauga would like to continue to supply Wi-Fi connection to students whose families are unable to afford this service, beyond the COVID-19 crisis. Unfortunately the board has obligations for funding children through several agencies and does not have the current capital to shoulder this on their own. If you would like to contribute to this project, please send a donation to Hope for Kids Geauga, PO Box 21, Novelty, OH 44072 and indicate Wi-Fi on the memo line or visit their website at www.hopeforkidsgeauga.com for alternate options.
For questions, please contact Engelina Koberna, 440-552-0224
Geauga Maple Leaf Article
From the Geauga County Maple Leaf:
Hope for Kids Helps Break Cycle of Dysfunction
Fred Rogers, affectionately known as “Mister Rogers,” once said, “Anyone who does anything to help a child is a hero to me.”
Read the full story here.